Wednesday, March 18, 2009

Way too Much

I went to the Doc yesterday to discuss the Seroquel thing, just wanted to make sure he is good to go as far as them contacting him. He said fine, so I emailed AstraZeneca this morning. 
I mentioned to him that I had gone for my Spirometry test on Saturday. He looks at me, says yes I see that. He then tells me that sofar, without the CT scan on April 1st, I have COPD, which covers several lung diseases, all of them chronic. I have Emphysema and Chronic Bronchittis. I was a smoker, since I was 11 till today when I am 46. 
Fu kYou Cigarettes
I am still booked for the CT scan on April 1st, with contrast dye. I have to stop my Metformin 48 hours before the test, they will inject the dye, do the test, test my sugars, help flush out my kidneys, send me on my way.

He then tells me he is contacting nephrologist(Kidney/Renal Specialist) in Victoria, who will then contact me. Thats almost a 3 hour drive. Oh well, whatever.  It appears my proteinurea is significant, in as much so that Doc told me it looks like stage three chronic kidney disease, caused by the D, which was caused by the Seroquel, which also causes weight gain... I don't know why she swallowed the fly, perhaps she'll die?

Thursday, March 12, 2009

Thinking about Seroquel again

I have been thinking again about Seroquel, which is produced by AstraZeneca  whom I officially hate. I know this sounds rather childish. They have ruined my life as I knew it. 

I started taking Seroquel in 2005, I was mis-diagnosed with Bi-Polar II. I have several mental illnesses that I am medicated for. (See previous post: Depression and Other Issues ). 

I am currently in a very depressed state and this has been coming on for a few months. I have to think perhaps the missing Seroquel is causing this. I also think it has to do with dealing with the major health issues I have been dealing with since my D dx in Sept.  I see PsychDoc tomorrow and am going to address this issue with him. If this is the case, I am clearly in need of some other kind of medication to make up for the Seroquel, so I can get off it for good and start to not feel so down and out. I have been logging my meds for the month of March, how I am feeling etc on a sheet to take to him tomorrow. I am sure this will help with things. I also have to start letting them know how I really feel. This is not the time to "put on that happy face", "shake things off" or generally sugar coat (mmmmmsugar) my emotions and feelings. 

I did contact AstraZeneca before, they did respond with a lame attempt at a condascending response telling me they would be "passing this email along to the internal research core" or something like that. Hey, I am going to look for the email in my important papers box and post it here...ok, I just went through my emails and found the one I was talking about. I re read it first, and seeing it was not so fresh in my mind and I was not so angry as in Sept, I found a line in it I had missed before. She had asked me to give her permission to contact my FamDoc. !!! Ok, I will take the blame for missing that line, although it was strange, she sent one email, recalled it, sent a second one (with the contact info line), which is I suppose why I missed it?

I just composed an email in return, which after I talk to my Doc tomorrow will send to her with the appropriate information attached. I am sitting here red faced. 

I must go now.